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it's not a Tomato Soup Website without a Tomato Soup Recipe!

disclaimer: cooking is about Vibes. i don't think i have ever cooked the same recipe twice the same way. this is not Canonical Ellery Tomato Soup, since the ellery recipe canon does not exist; however, this is the roadmap that i start with when i have made up my mind to eat tomato soup.


*for good tomato flavor, i don't recommend using fresh tomatoes out of season. a can of whole peeled tomatoes will taste better in the winter.

warm weather method (too hot to turn on oven)

  1. in the largest pot you own, heat oil over medium-high heat. saute diced onion summer veg until soft and translucent.
  2. add sliced garlic and saute until fragrent. pour in chopped tomatoes and cook while stirring.
  3. add stock and bring to a simmer. season with salt, pepper, and whatever else to your taste (thyme? oregano? marjoram? etc.)
  4. let soup simmer, uncovered, for 20 minutes or until everything is soft and heated through. stir occasionally and add water or more stock if needed.
  5. remove from heat and allow soup to cool a little bit. use an immersion blender or potato masher to squish everything into a delightful mush. return to heat and give it a last taste to make sure it has enough salt and other goodies.
  6. make grilled cheese or toast. serve and enjoy!

cool weather method

  1. preheat the oven to 425F. in a cookie sheet or cassarole dish, place chopped onion, cubed winter veg, and peeled garlic. toss with oil and seasoning. roast for 30 minutes or until constituents are soft enough to be impaled by a fork.
  2. add roasted veg to the largest pot you own over medium-high heat. add stock and bring to a simmer, then lower the heat. season to taste.
  3. simmer soup for 20 minutes, stirring occasionally and add water or more stock if needed.
  4. remove from heat and allow soup to cool slightly. using an immersion blender or potato masher, puree soup to desired consistency. return to heat and season more if needed.
  5. make grilled cheese sandwich by your preferred method. serve soup and grilled cheese together.